Life · NaBlogPoMo

Random Thoughts Thursday

When I am watching a movie or tv show from a long time ago, I always giggle at the technology, like Zach Morris’ phone.

Yes, I still watch Saved by the Bell and I’m thirty-two…. don’t judge!

I’m pretty certain that the boyfriend and I went through some growing pains this past month, but they seemed to have smoothed over. I honestly think I pick fights because I am upset with other things but can’t talk about them with said person, so I become grouchy at everyone around me. I need to be more mindful.

I literally adore the class that I have been working in. I love the kiddos and I it is honestly the first time in a long time, that I miss teaching. It has motivated me to go above and beyond my job to help institute other learning activities. I like it quite a bit. It energizes me.

Little Logan is going to be seven. I honestly can’t even deal. He still feels like he was just born yesterday.

I need to stop waiting for the ex to do what was required by our divorce decree. He isn’t going to do it, and it is just hindering my life. I need to take care of it all. So that’s what I’ll do.

Also, I am already starting to think about Thanksgiving dinner. Mostly because I like to eat. This will be the second Thanksgiving with my love, and I am starting to think about how to make that day extra special.

What are you thinking about today? I’d love to hear!

xo, Justine

7 thoughts on “Random Thoughts Thursday

  1. Sometimes, time passes soooooo fast. And when I look at my kids and how much they’ve grown I have mixed feelings.
    But there are times when everything is at a standstill. And it’s slooooooow.
    Today I’m thinking about how the heck I’m gonna be in a conference with hundreds of strangers. An overwhelming thought šŸ˜¬


  2. Lo turns 7 soon? Woooow! this is cliche, but they grow fassst! one day you are waddling out of the maternity ward, the other he is slightly taller than you!

    I am actually thinking how sometimes I am averse to change, yet it is oh so necessary. been a while since I blogged…. trust you are well Justine šŸ™‚


    1. I am hanging in there. Best I can! I was checking out the blog the other day wondering how you were! šŸ™‚ I can’t believe that Logan is going to be seven! Honestly, I’ve been looking at his baby pictures all week!


      1. Really humbling. You make a great mom. Thanks for checking. Bn a little under the weather…but better now


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